We just got back from my cousins wedding.Which was wonderful, by the way.The ceremony was beautiful , not as beautiful as the couple them selves. Weddings always seem to have an effect of one sort or another. The stress of getting married, or being single the joy of being married . All this shows the different aspects of our lives and the journey that brings us to that certain point in it. The many trials that couples go through together to make things work. The wonderful and not so wonderful emotions that bring a couple together. The wedding made me realized that if you can't lean on your partner there is going to be a long journey ahead of you and only you. If you take anything away from this please remember that in a marriage there is two of you now not just you.
The joy of marriage brings a certain life to the routine of life.Revives the vows I took with my wife. This journey that we are taking together doesn't seem so daunting when I kow that she will be there by side.
awwww you're so cute and corney now that you're married bro! :)
The lessons of all of our journeys.
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